How Linkedin’s new Select Text Feature Empowers Copycats’ Success?

Linkedin previously removed the feature to select text on mobile phones and that feature now is back again. Now, once again copycats can easily select and copy paste the LinkedIn post text on their mobile phones.

Watch video below to understand what I am saying:

Beauty is the eyes of beholder.

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

Of course, this LinkedIn feature can be helpful if you want to select and save any text from LinkedIn posts as per your needs but it will mostly be used to copy paste by the copycats more.

Related: Best Ways to Grow LinkedIn Profile Organically in 2024

It depends on us how we use it and if LinkedIn decides to remove it again without anyone noticing it, again. It won’t matter because copycats are not going to stop still.

What do you think about this reborne LinkedIn Feature?

What is the right way to repurpose a content you found online?

The right way to repurpose a content you found online is to add something to it by yourself in your own words and if you really want to use the whole of it then add Post Credits in the end of the post so the owner is happier too and this is professional way to do the right thing. Hope this makes sense 🙂

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